Welcome to Our Organization
Flicker of Hope Foundation was founded to provide emotional and practical support for burn survivors and their families. Burn survivor support is presented in the form of scholarship assistance and counseling, including visits to burn camps.
Our Goals The objectives of Flicker of Hope Foundation are to help young burn survivors achieve a measure of social confidence and meet specific educational goals. A major focus of the Foundation will be to provide funds for those with financial need when they are accepted into an accredited post-secondary institution.
Motivation We give motivational talks to firefighters and educate school children about the importance of fire safety practices in the home. Dave is also available to give motivational presentations to business entities and other organizations.
Re-Entry We will work with schools to ease the move of a burned child back into the classroom by visiting with the child’s classmates ahead of his/her return and discussing with them the nature of their friend’s injuries, the recuperative process, and how they can help their friend make any necessary adjustments.
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What People Say
“I’m so thankful for a site like this that let’s all burn survivors know that there is life after burns.”
– Nicole N.
“I have been looking for along time for an organization that realizes the emotional and educational stunting of many survivors.”
– Mary Huddleston
Dave's Book
Check out Dave Borowski’s inspirational story in his new book, “On a Ring and a Prayer“. Proceeds from the book go to support the Foundation.
To learn more about the book, click here.